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What South Florida Condominiums Need to Do to Prepare For Electrical Work

Condominium managers and board members in South Florida have to have to mindful of the logistics involved in a repair to their building’s power supply. In addition to coordinating closely with Florida Power and Light, it’s important to have a well-organized plan for how you manage work and communicate with residents about what’s happening.

Don’t Delay Work for Too Long

Buildings that are situated near the water are particularly likely to sustain considerable damage to electrical systems over time because of their proximity to the water, salt in the air, and high humidity levels. Some types of damage to electrical components that occur naturally such as simple corrosion can result in very dangerous conditions. Despite the cost and inconvenience associated with electrical work, it’s important that you not put it off budget after budget.

Obtain an Alternate Power Source Affordably

During the time that your system is shut down, you need to have an alternate power source available. If you currently have an emergency generator for things such as lighting and elevators, it may not be adequate to meet your needs over a sustained period of time. If you need to look for generator rental Fort Lauderdale FL, reach out to a company that can offer you an affordable rental so you can continue your regular electrical service to the building with minimal disruption. It may not be practical to power every individual unit, but you can maintain power in most of your common areas, access control systems, and garage.

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Give Notice to Residents as Early as Possible

Even if a power interruption for a planned repair is estimated to be only one or two days, you should try to give your residents as much notice as possible. The outage may prevent people from cooling their units, and advance notice will enable them to make other accommodations if they wish to do so.