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Recreational Boating: Safety Tips On Water

Recreational boating entails having fun in the water with family and friends. However, your safety should be foremost in your mind. Boating accidents can be fatal, so have your safety gear in place, and always adhere to boating safety tips.

Carry Safety Equipment

Always keep the safety equipment on board. You can’t always predict an accident, so be ready. Common safety gear includes a flashlight to help you see in the dark, duct tape to seal a leaky hole, and a bucket to draw water in case of a leak. In addition, have a first aid kit and a whistle to call for help.

Wear a Fitted Lifejacket

Life jackets keep someone afloat and prevent hypothermia by turning an unconscious person face-up. Wear the right jacket for your weight and height, try it on, and ensure it fits. If you’re fishing, buy a lifejacket with pockets to store your fishing gear.

Be Courteous To Others

Be mindful of other swimmers and boaters. Keep a distance from other boats and always offer help to needy people. Follow the boating rules laid out by local authorities and the directions indicated on signs.

Do Not Drive Under The Influence

Avoid drinking while boating. Drunken boating is equally dangerous as drunken driving. You can get jailed, have your license revoked, and pay heavy fines. Stay safe. Never drink alcohol before boating. In addition, avoid taking drugs while on a boat.

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Know The Route

Know the route and stick to the maps. Fill out a trip form with information about your boat’s name, color, make, and year of purchase, your destination, travel route, return time, and the names of all the current boaters. Leave one copy at home and one at the park office.

Get A Safety Course

According to the U.S. Coast Guard, operation errors cause 70% of boating accidents. People don’t get training. They just get into the water and operate a boat. You can enroll in various online courses, some of which are free.

Check for Harmful Fumes

Open all hatches and smell for odors after refueling. If you detect any smell, don’t start the engine. Carbon monoxide can build up in and around your yacht and cause problems for you and other occupants. The gas accumulates in inadequately ventilated canvas enclosures, clogged exhausts, and idle engines.

Understand Your Limits

Start slow on any boat. Inexperienced boaters cause most boat accidents. Get training, travel with experienced boaters, and ask questions. Be honest with yourself and only do what you can, even if your friends pressure you to do otherwise.

Carry Warm Clothes

A lake dip may be enticing on warmer days, but remember, the water may be too cold for long swims. Keep children out of the water and only allow short swims. Carry warm jackets and blankets to wrap your children in if the weather turns cold.

Going With A Companion

You will be safer with more than one boater. If you fall into trouble alone, you will have to rely on yourself to get out fully. But with others, you can help each other. Even if they don’t save you, they will call for help.

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Check The Weather

Always check the local weather when you leave for an adventuress luxury catamaran boat ride. Even if the weather seems okay when you start sailing, it might change later. Always carry a radio and keep an eye out for bad weather. Get out of the water if you see rapid wind shifts, dark skies, or lightning.

You can prevent boating accidents if you follow safety precautions. Always carry safety gear, don’t drink and boat, don’t boat alone, check the weather beforehand, and inform your family and friends of your whereabouts.