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Are You Hunting For Fun Or Food?

A few decades ago, the deer from India and Sri Lanka was introduced to the United States and is now the most common deer in the southern part of the country. Axis deer is also known as Bald deer and spotted deer, were introduced to Texas around 1932 and they are growing fast. They can live for twenty to thirty years. They have three tines on the antler of each wedge and can grow to trophy sizes of 30 “to 36”. One of their most striking features is the dark spotted streaks from behind the neck to the tail.

Hunting meat from healthy wild animals (such as deer), their natural lives and natural diets of plants usually have higher nutritional value than livestock reared in an unnatural way. Hunting animal meat can also be seen as a more natural way to obtain animal protein, especially in factory farms, as hunting breeding does not cause the same environmental problems as livestock meat breeding.

There are many reasons to hunt. Hunting can be done for leisure, sport and social reasons today. However, the hunting of meat is much more desirable than the US needs. Hunting for meat in recent years is becoming increasingly important: the number of hunters hunted from 2006 to 16% in 2006 to 35% in 2013.

The attitude of American hunters has also undergone considerable change, and “sports” hunting has become less favored as opposed to looking for meat. For example, in 2008, 33% of American hunters answered “hunting for sports and entertainment” mainly, and 22% said “hunting meat”. By 2017, these numbers are basically reversed: 27% prefer sports hunting and 39% prefer meat hunting.

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Learning deer hunting can be difficult. There are many excellent resources to choose from, but the experience in this area can not be replaced.There is no substitute for education. No, you do not need to write a doctor’s thesis on deer behavior. But deer biological knowledge, is great to know for hunting. Learn about local game models, such as migration, nutrition sources, and all kinds of trees in your area.

Although you can hunt almost all of the white-tailed deer, other animals with horns like black deer and the Axis deer can be difficult to find. However, search for an axis deer trophy hunting ranch and you will find ranches that offer this type of game and more.

With a semi-arid climate and rich vegetation, the Texas hills are ideal for Axis deer, with a population of over 50,000, most of which are located in the heart of Texas. Like African trophy hunting, these meadows offer hunters the opportunity to kill exotic and sometimes endangered animals.

Today, many people are actively resisting hunting. They are especially against recreational and sports hunting. Though many feel hunting should not be a sport, hunting can help maintain healthy populations and promote land and wildlife conservation because hunting flocks do not live or become ill because of hunger or disease transmission.

The hunting season for deer varies from throughout the US. In Game Zone 3 in South Carolina, the deer hunting season begins on August 15 and lasts until January 1. Some seasons in states such as Florida and Kentucky can begin as early as September and last as long as Texas in February. The length of the season usually depends on the health and population of the deer and the number of hunters expected to participate in the deer hunting. In South Carolina, the seasons vary by SCDNR area.

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